RITE is the premier provider of training and employment opportunities relevant to and delivered in rural communities
Rural Industry Training and Extension (RITE) is the leading provider of rural training and employment opportunities to rural and remote Australia. RITE operates in Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, offering School-Based & Full-Time Traineeships and Skill Sets Training.
RITE offers Certificate I in Business, Certificate I in Work Readiness, Certificate I in Agrifood Operations and Certificate II, III & IV in Agriculture.
For further information please contact RITE on 1800 808 782 or visit us at one of these locations
Charters Towers
131 Gill Street, PO Box 366, Charters Towers QLD 4820
Ph: 07 4787 4933 Fax: 07 4787 7970
Email: info@rite.com.au